Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Danielle and Jon

One quick phone call in late winter from Danielle and I knew that this was going to be a terrific wedding to design for.  Danielle had picked yellow, white, and navy for her colors and when she told me that she wanted a crisp clean look with just a hint of a nautical vibe I was hooked.  Yellow gerberas, baby's breath, cremone mums, dyed navy sea holly, hydrangea, and scabiosa pods all came to mind as things that would look great with the spunky navy and white striped ribbon that she had chosen to tie the bouquets with.  We also chose metal buckets, navy printed pottery, and bubble bowls to design the centerpieces in.  A few great big starfish from her new mother-in-law and some beautiful printed table squares that she had made for the occasion and we were set to go.

Ever Lovely Photography, http://everlovelyphotography.com/blog/, took the most beautiful pictures of the wedding and they were sweet enough to share with me.  Here are a few of the highlights.

Best wishes Danielle and Jon.  It has been an honor to get to know you.